Local parish councils call for road safety improvements near Sizewell C site

They're calling for reduced speed limits and for new pedestrian pathways to help keep people safe

Author: Sian RochePublished 17th Jul 2023
Last updated 17th Jul 2023

A group of eight Suffolk parish councils have written to the government - calling for new speed limits and other safety measures around the future site of Sizewell C

Representatives of places including Blythburgh and Walberwick fear hundreds of lorries passing through a day, along with other work traffic, will pose a major hazard.

In just the past few weeks that have been three major accidents on the nearby B1122.

A link road to the nuclear reactor will eventually be built - but the councils want the government to boost safety before it gets built.

The letter in full

Dear Sirs,

Despite the mitigation measures in the DCO and in the Deed of Obligation, the undersigned Parish Councils all share substantial concerns about the impact on their communities of the Sizewell C project and propose further measures to help alleviate them.

This letter relates to issues arising during the Early Years of the project before the Sizewell Link Road is operational. This is a key risk period when the existing road infrastructure - not just the B1122 - is being asked to take considerably more traffic than it ever has before, bringing significant new safety hazards to residents.

We set out our concerns under the following headings: speed limits, emissions, pedestrian footpaths, highway maintenance and incident management.

While examples are given in the Schedules below, this letter is not a substitute for individual Parish Councils’ detailed feedback to the proposed Early Years plans.

Speed limits

We call for a significant extension to the routes covered or proposed to be covered by speed limits.

We also call for a significant commitment to the active enforcement of existing and new speed limits, especially during the Early Years, and covering the 24/7 timings of SZC shift patterns.

We call upon EDF to make funds available to the Police Authority for this purpose.

HGV and bus emissions

We call upon EDF to require their HGV and bus contractors to only use vehicles that comply with Euro VI NOx and PM emissions standards, which are those mandated for the London-wide Low Emission Zone (LEZ) and the Clean Air Zones in seven UK other cities.

Pedestrian footways

We support proposals for the provision of additional new footways along stretches of the B1122 and B1125 where these can be accommodated within existing highway boundaries.

In addition, we request that, where Parish Councils are able to secure the agreement of relevant landowners, EDF support with design, administrative resources and funding the establishment of permissive footpaths to provide further safe routes for pedestrians.

We further request that funds be made available for the maintenance of all existing and new footpaths in good condition.

Cycle routes

We call upon EDF and SCC to create safe cycle routes between the A12 and the coast to compensate for loss of safe cycling on the B1122, B1125 and surrounding minor roads due to SZC traffic. These would be additional to those currently planned.

Highways maintenance

We note that there are certain locations on the B1122 and the B1125 which regularly suffer from surface flooding.

We request that works be undertaken to permanently improve drainage at these locations.

Incident management

We note that under current operating conditions there are occasions when blockages on the A12 result in traffic diverting along unclassified roads.

We are concerned that the frequency and severity of these incidents will increase if and when the Sizewell C project gets underway.

We call upon Suffolk County Council and the Police Authority, funded by EDF, to develop and consult on contingency traffic management plans that can be put in place immediately to limit the likelihood and severity of congestion causing disruption and risks to residents living along these routes, and for these plans to be actively enforced.

Community liaison

We invite representatives of EDF and the Councils to attend the next meeting of the Joint Parish Councils named below to discuss the contents of this letter.

We further call upon EDF to reconstitute the Community Forum.

Yours faithfully,

Signed by Julian Cusack, Chair Middleton-cum-Fordley on behalf of:

Blythburgh Parish Council

Darsham Parish Council

Kelsale-cum-Carlton Parish Council

Middleton-cum-Fordley Parish Council

Theberton & Eastbridge Parish Council

Walberswick Parish Council

Westleton Parish Council

Yoxford Parish Council

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