New guide drafted to support major developments in Suffolk

A consultation has been opened.

Author: Sharon PlummerPublished 18th May 2021
Last updated 18th May 2021

Suffolk County Council has launched a consultation on an updated version of its "Developers Guide", a document to support all those involved in major planning applications in the county.

Whenever major developments are considered, for example new housing or industrial sites, they will likely have an impact on the local community. This could result in increased demands on the local infrastructure, for example more local traffic, more people living in a community, more school places needed, and many other local services.

To make sure that new developments result in improvements to local communities, developers must make financial contributions to local authorities, known as Section 106 agreements, or through the Community Infrastructure Levy. This money can then be put towards services to support the increase in demand made by the new development.

Councillor Matthew Hicks, Leader of Suffolk County Council, said:

"This updated guide has not been written as a set of rules, but to support developers and make them aware of what they should consider with their plans. It explains how we calculate the levels of financial contributions, so that we can manage the impact of a development and make sure it has a positive impact on our communities.

"During 2019/20, the county council secured over ÂŁ46m towards infrastructure from Section 106 agreements. We must continue to secure sufficient contributions from developments, to help fund services like schools, libraries and household waste recycling centres. This will help us to protect communities, their residents, and the demands on local services."

James Cutting, Head of Planning at Suffolk County Council, said:

"We first published the Developers Guide in 2011, as a collaborative document with other authorities to help all parties concerned in understanding the implications of major planning applications.

"Local infrastructure is key to local and neighbourhood plans, and this guide gives everyone a central document for putting county council infrastructure at the heart of the planning system in Suffolk. We have now updated the guide to be as transparent as possible, providing a clear and justified rationale for our expectations."

"I encourage all local developers and authorities to comment on the updates that we have made, so that future developments in Suffolk bring as much benefit to our communities as possible."

The consultation period will run for six weeks, to 28 June 2021, and will involve district councils, developers, and other key stakeholders in Suffolk.
