Mobile pop-up Post Office to be launched in Sudbury

It's a temporary solution to the closure of the town's Post Office next month

Author: Jason Noble, Local Democracy Reporting ServicePublished 26th May 2022

A mobile pop-up is to be used as a short-term solution to the closure of Sudbury’s Post Office from next month, it has been announced.

Babergh District Council said it had granted a licence for a mobile unit to take a spot in the Borehamgate shopping precinct, following talks with Post Office.

The closure of the Market Hill branch in the WH Smith store had been confirmed earlier this month for June 9, leaving a vacuum for post office services.

It is hoped ongoing conversations will secure a longer-term solution.

Babergh District Council leader John Ward said: “We know how much local businesses and residents rely on post office services and we are delighted to have found an interim solution to ensure these services are still available within the town centre.

“Discussions continue in the hope that we can also agree a longer-term solution to ensure the town and high street can look forward to a thriving future.”

Locals had been braced for having to go to the next nearest in Great Cornard, around 1.6km away, although there were concerns around how much surrounding towns and villages would be able to cope.

It is not yet known what days or hours the mobile unit will operate.

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