Second lockdown a 'serious wakeup call' for Suffolk

Leader of Suffolk County Council is urging residents in the county to take this second lockdown seriously.

Author: Abi SimpsonPublished 2nd Nov 2020
Last updated 2nd Nov 2020

Matthew Hicks has issued a statement following the Prime Ministers announcement at the weekend that England will go into a national lockdown once again from Thursday.

Pubs, bars, restaurants and gyms are among those being asked to close for four weeks.

Restrictions are expected to be eased again on the 2nd of December.

The authority's leader has said people must listen to these new restrictions: "I know it feels like we’ve been here before, but the truth is, we haven’t.

"A second wave of COVID-19 poses a greater threat to Suffolk life because its very existence shows we need to do even more than we already have, to stop the spread.

“This is a serious wakeup call. We must now stay or work at home, unless journeys are absolutely essential.

"This isn’t about us as individuals. This is about protecting the NHS and saving the lives of our neighbours and loved ones.

“Please everyone, together let’s do what Suffolk needs us to do. We’ve done it before and we can do it again. Our actions today determine the futures of others. Now is the time to stick with it Suffolk.”