Suffolk support line relaunches ahead of lockdown

The Home, But Not Alone free phoneline was paused in August due to a drop in demand.

Author: Arlen JamesPublished 4th Nov 2020

It was initially launched to help people in the county during the first lockdown who didn't have family or friends nearby, and with the second coming on Thursday, the decision was made to reopen it.

Chrissie Geeson, Chair of the Collaborative Communities Covid-19 Board and Head of Localities and Partnerships at Suffolk County Council, said: "The phoneline was absolutely vital during the first lockdown and it is only right that the same support is on offer as we head into the next wave of lockdown.

"The phoneline helped thousands of people and families, who often didn’t have a network of family or friends to call upon, access emergency support such as food and medicine deliveries and befriending schemes.

"It’s success was down to the amazing local networks that sprung up across towns and villages in Suffolk and looked after those most in need."

The phoneline is staffed by the Citizen Advice Suffolk Alliance, Anglia Care Trust and Ipswich Housing Action Group.

Call handlers use resources and information from organisations across the county to meet each individual's needs.

It's open between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday on 0800 876 6926.