Plans approved for controversial 160-home development in Halesworth

The development is planned for the south of Chediston Street

Land south of Chediston Street will be built on
Author: Matt SoanesPublished 16th Feb 2023
Last updated 17th Feb 2023

Planning details of a contentious 161-home development on a hill in Halesworth have been approved.

East Suffolk Council’s planning committee voted in favour of the details yesterday, despite councillors’ concerns about flooding, visual impact and lack of access options.

The reserved matters application laid out the appearance and scale of the development planned for the south of Chediston Street, which goes on land included in the authority's 'local plan'.

The applicant for reserved matters was Hopkins Homes. Outline planning permission for up to 200 homes on the site had already been granted to Christchurch Land & Estates (Halesworth) in 2019.

Peter Dutton, Halesworth Town Council member, addressed the planning committee, said: “The outline application should never have been accepted in the first place.

“If this is approved it will result in Halesworth getting a large housing estate that virtually nobody in Halesworth wants.

“No amount of tree planting will mitigate the impact of a large intrusive development running up the hillside.

“Lack of connectivity makes the site unsustainable as it does not allow easy access to essential bus stops on Dukes Drive.

“The proposed road crossing points on Roman Way will restrict heavy traffic that regularly uses this road.”

Town council members also previously expressed concerns that most of the homes on the highest part of the site are two-storey and so dominating in appearance. There are just two bungalows in the plans.

The 2019 proposals included a cycleway and emergency access in the northeast corner of the site. This has since been removed, leaving just one access from Roman Way.

Cllr Tony Goldson, who represents Halesworth, said this removal increases the quickest route to the nearest bus stop from around 200 metres to three quarters of a mile.

The Highways Authority believes an emergency access into the site is not needed because the proposal is now for 161 dwellings – as opposed to the 200 dwellings approved by the outline consent.

Chris Smith, development planner for applicant Hopkins Homes, said: “Officers and statutory consultees are content that we have addressed all the technical and environmental aspects important to this application.”

The development will be on a hill that falls from 27 metres above sea level to 12 metres above sea level.

The area is in flood zone one, which means there is low chance of flooding – but it slopes down to flood zones two and three which flood annually.

A large infiltration basin in the northeast corner is proposed to take on the floodwater and gradually allow it to seep into the ground.

Cllr Goldson said: ““I have many, many concerns.

“I am pleased to see that there is a flooding plan but it causes concerns – like all cunning plans

“The infiltration tank will still allow the water to seep through and head into the adjacent flood zone three.

“The residents who live near this flood zone have their houses flooded every year. We will worsen this unless the flood plan is absolutely secure.

“We really shouldn’t accept this. We should throw this back.”

The Lead Local Flood Authority has assessed the flood mitigations and infiltration basin and confirmed they are acceptable.

Of the 161 homes, 51 will be affordable. There will also be space for nine self-build properties.

Just over four hectares from the 9-hectare site will be public open space, including a play area to the south.

Cllr Craig Rivett said: “I am suitably content having seen the conditions on flooding.

“The access is certainly regrettable, but I am content that officers have dealt with traffic.

“I think our emphasis should be on ensuring the conditions are carried out by the applicant.”

These conditions include ensuring the inspection and approval of the drainage system is demonstrated within 28 days of building the last home, and ensuring the development is not started until details of the access onto Roman Way are put forward and approved.

The application was passed with three against and one abstention.

Jonathan Lieberman, Head of Planning for Hopkins Homes, said: “We are pleased that our detailed plans to create 161 high quality homes in Halesworth have been approved by the planning committee.

“The council had already identified the location as being a preferred location for building up to 200 homes to meet local housing needs in their Local Plan, and outline planning permission had been approved in 2019.

"We acquired the site after this, and we have worked closely with planning officers, highways, drainage, and other statutory bodies to develop a design that they confirmed responds well to the location and characteristics of the site.

“Our detailed plans create high-quality homes in a range of sizes and styles, including 9 self-build plots, 51 much-needed affordable homes, and more than half of the homes would be smaller one and two-bedroom homes.

"All the homes and layout have been designed sympathetically to blend beautifully with the surrounding community.

"It will also create substantial areas of public green spaces, an equipped play space, improved biodiversity, and make improvements for cyclists and pedestrians along Roman Way.”

“We look forward to starting work on the new development later this year.”

Public consultation on the plans returned 27 objections by local residents.

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