Staffordshire teachers concerned over surge in pupils exposed to leaked exam papers
Buying them or even searching for them could lead to exam disqualification
Teenagers across Staffordshire and Cheshire risk being disqualified if they look for exam papers on social media or take their phones into an exam hall, England's exams regulator has warned.
Students should report accounts claiming to sell this year's exam papers - which are "almost always scams" - to teachers, the chief regulator has said.
Ahead of exam season, Ofqual has urged students to plan somewhere safe to leave their mobile device during exams after instances of students being found with mobile devices in exams have almost doubled since 2018.
Amber's a Head of Maths at a secondary school in Stoke-on-Trent. "Every year there's companies and individuals that promote they've got predicted papers - and an inside with the exam board." she said.
"This year it's a lot bigger - because there's people on the likes of TikTok.
"The papers don't exist - and the fact they're being publicised means the exam boards still have enough time to change them anyway."
"The companies and the people that are advertising them are just penalising everybody."
There were 2,180 cases with penalties for this type of offence in 2023, compared with 1,825 in 2022, according to figures from the exams regulator.
Research for Ofqual last year suggested that most students do not intend to use their phones to cheat, but they do not want to be separated from them as they are worried about loss or damage.
Sir Ian Bauckham, chief regulator at Ofqual, said: "Students should also be aware of the risks of exam papers on social media.
"Accounts claiming to sell this year's exam papers are almost always scams. Students should report these accounts to teachers.
"Students risk losing the qualification they've been studying for if they search for or communicate with social media accounts claiming to sell leaked exam papers.
"Sanctions can still apply even if the papers turn out to be fake. Buying papers is never worth the risk."
Stoke teacher Amber added: "You are going to get lulled into a false sense of security and end up prioritising completely the wrong topics.
"You'll end up going into the exam, seeing something completely different and go into a panic."
Ofqual data, released in December last year, showed that there were 4,895 cases of malpractice during GCSEs, AS and A-level examinations which included students in 2023, up from 4,105 in 2022.
Pepe Di'Iasio, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), said: "We are sure that the vast majority of students taking exams will stick to the rules, but there are always some who do not do so, and unfortunately the misuse of digital technology is a real headache.
"Schools and colleges rigorously police exam rooms to ensure that devices are not brought in by candidates and they warn students not to try to find exam papers on social media.
"These are generally fake papers being circulated as a scam, but in the rare event of a genuine paper being leaked, any student accessing that paper risks disqualification.
"It is really important that students take heed of these warnings."
A spokesperson for the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ), which represents the UK's major exam boards, said: "It is important students know to report fraudulent accounts claiming to sell exam papers on social media to their teachers.
"JCQ wishes all students well with their exams and assessments."
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