United's world record payday for Pogba

The France midfielder Paul Pogba is back at Old Trafford

Published 8th Aug 2016

Manchester United have made Paul Pogba the most expensive footballer in history by bringing the midfielder back from Juventus.

The media will have to wait to speak to the 23-year-old but United's in-house television station MUTV asked him about his decision to return and plans for the future. Here is what he had to say.

Paul, welcome back to Manchester United. How do you sum up your emotions right now?

There's no words, to be honest, there's no words. I just came back to Carrington. It was like I'd just came back home. I just went for a holiday, looks like I went for a holiday. I've come back home, I'm happy and I see everyone, the same persons. It's just a great feeling, to be honest.''

I suppose it's a funny question after what you've just said but why are you back here at United? What made you come back?

I think it's destiny, I would say it's destiny. First my mum told me I would come back here and I told her, 'You never know, we'll see'. For myself as well it's a big challenge too, just to come back to where I came from, where I grew up, where I started. I just didn't finish what I started here so I think I came here to finish it.''

And of course, you have to listen to your mum...

My mum, she says, 'Your mum is always right' so she was right this time, so it's good.

And how does it feel to be the world's most expensive footballer? That's quite an achievement with all that you've already achieved on the pitch, isn't it?

The thing with me is I only think about the pitch. I want to do great, I want to be one of the best. I want to win titles, I want to achieve things and that's all - that's why I came here, just to do this, to become one of the best and to win titles because I know this club has to win titles. This club is created to win titles, to win things, to win big things. That's why. I am focused about this and that's it. I'm just ready to go and work on that and just kill it.''

Has it been a mad summer for you, playing in the Euros at home for France and then being linked with various different clubs and then signing for United, coming home as you say?

Yeah. There was there a bit of sadness of course because we lost the final at home, but I will say I'm happy. It was a bad thing for a good thing so I'm happy now. I'm back home and it's something crazy, it's really crazy. I cannot explain. I'm very, very happy. The feeling I have in my body is like I can't wait to start.''

What's it like being Paul Pogba now, compared to when you were 17 or 18 here in this indoor arena at the academy?

Well, I was younger, now I'm taller and bigger. It's just like, as I told you, it looks like I went for a holiday and I came back home. I was meant to come back here. I feel this. I always had this United thing in my heart and that's why I came back and I'm happy, just happy.''

How have you changed as a player since you were here at United the first time around? What have you learned about your game, about yourself? How are you different?

I've got more experienced, I've won titles in Juventus. I've been playing with big players like when I started at Man United, of course. And I came back, I've not come back from the academy now - just I went to play somewhere else and I came back as, I would say, as a person, as an adult. I would say with experience, with more games, so I think that's the difference.''