Scientists in Southampton trial coronavirus pill

Patients who are aged between 18 and 49 and have an underlying health condition or are over-50 are eligible for the study

An experimental Covid-19 treatment pill, called molnupiravir
Author: Jason BeckPublished 10th Dec 2021

A coronavirus pill being tested by researchers in Southampton could ease the burden on the NHS.

The antiviral treatment is designed to help vulnerable people with Covid recover faster, reducing hospital admissions.

Volunteers are being recruited by the University of Southampton as part of a national trial.

Co-chief investigator Professor Paul Little from the University of Southampton said: "This is a vital trial addressing a major gap in our ability to treat patients who are at higher risk of serious Covid-19 illness in the community.

"Antiviral treatments that are quickly despatched to patients to take safely in their own homes could be an important way to manage the illness in more vulnerable patients, slow the spread of the virus, and keep hospital admissions down.

"The anti-viral drugs only work during the first five days of symptoms, so rapid assessment is needed.

"I would encourage anyone over the age of 50 (or under 50 with other major medical problems) who tests positive for Covid-19 to consider registering for this trial and help us find more ways to fight this illness.”

Chief investigator Dr Chris Butler from Oxford University said: "Contributing to help find evidence about what does work and doesn't work is a great public service.

"By joining the trial you may also get early access to the treatment, which may benefit you.

"People contributing will really contribute to the development of the evidence that we urgently need about whether these drugs should be used at scale."

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