Increased number of community food pantries in Hampshire

Five more open to offer 'basic' foods to struggling families in the New Forest and Fordingbridge

Author: Mike DraperPublished 25th Mar 2022
Last updated 25th Mar 2022

Five new Community Pantries are opening in Hampshire, as the cost of living crisis deepens, and households face soaring energy bills.

More and more families are having to choose between eating, or heating their home, or buying clothes and paying for other essentials for their children, or putting fuel in the car.

Each pantry will help families who are facing hardship to access food at reduced prices. The pantries come with support from the connect4communities programme, led by Hampshire County Council.


Community pantries work by offering access through membership and, for a small weekly contribution, members can select food and essential supplies to a significantly higher value. For example, for a charge of £5 members receive food worth £15.

Councillor Roz Chadd, Hampshire County Council’s Executive Lead Member for Children’s Services, said:

“Community pantries are a lifeline for many people. Being able to get groceries at a lower rate than can be found anywhere else means vulnerable families can access basics like food, which many of us take for granted. By providing this ‘helping hand’ approach community pantries can help people who find themselves in a difficult financial situation. Rising costs and economic uncertainty means many Hampshire families are struggling to cope, so this provision has never been more important.”

As well as stocking a range of fresh, frozen and general foods, some pantries offer meal deals and recipe ideas designed to encourage healthy eating habits. Some also work with Citizens Advice and other charities to provide support on budgeting, wellbeing, adult learning and employment.


* FareShare South Eastern – mobile larder, reaching remote rural locations across the New Forest, including one on Fridays at the Avonway Community Centre on Shaftesbury Street in Fordingbridge, plus other days at Ringwood, Bransgore, Ashley, Hythe, Blackfield, Pennington and Calshot

* The Vine Centre, in Aldershot

* The Carroll Centre, in Stanmore

* The Tadley & District Community Association, in Tadley

* Popley Fields Community Association, in Basingstoke

The connect4communities funding has ensured there is at least one community pantry in each of the 11 districts in the Hampshire County Council local authority area - either by supporting an existing foodbank or community cupboard to change to the pantry model, or by establishing a new one.

The 5 new pantries that have recently been set up brings the total number of community pantries available across Hampshire to 20.

The connect4communities programme is funded by the Department for Work and Pensions and aims to support families and individuals struggling to pay for necessities like food and fuel. It is run in partnership with schools, colleges and Early Years providers, as well as voluntary and charity organisations.

Information about where community pantries are currently located is published on the Family Information and Services Hub (FISH) directory.

If you want to become a member, contact your local pantry directly.

There's more information about connect4communities and the community pantries project here.