Chichester man jailed for sex assaults on girl

Richard Tallis 'systematically abused' a girl aged under 13

Author: Mike DraperPublished 1st Aug 2021
Last updated 12th Aug 2021

54 year old Richard Tallis, from Bolsover Road in West Tarring, appeared at Portsmouth Crown Court on Friday (30 July)

He had pleaded guilty at a previous hearing to six counts of sexual assaults in the Chichester area on a girl aged under 13, known to him, between seven and 15 years ago.

Tallis was sentenced to a total of 17 and a half years.

He's also now a registered sex offender indefinitely, and was given a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) severely restricting his access to children, to last until further court order.

The prosecution, authorised by the CPS, followed an investigation by West Sussex Safeguarding detectives, who worked with local authority childrens' services to ensure that no children were at any further risk.

"..systematically abused this very young girl over several years"

Detective Constable Angela De Vivo of the West Sussex Safeguarding Investigations Unit said:

"Tallis had systematically abused this very young girl over several years, causing her deep and lasting distress. Only three years ago did she feel strong enough to come forward and report what had happened to her."

"We admire her courage and resolution in doing so and in supporting our investigation all the way, and in being ready to give evidence if needed."

"Please contact us at any time if you or anyone you know has been the victim of such offences. We will always investigate, and can arrange for you to have expert support and advice."

For further information about reporting sexual offences and the support that is available, see the Sussex Police website.