Serious concerns raised at Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service

A new report has raised concerns about Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service.

Author: Molly HookingsPublished 29th Nov 2024
Last updated 29th Nov 2024

Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service has not made enough progress since its previous inspection and does not manage its resources well, the fire inspectorate has said.

His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) has graded Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service’s performance across 11 areas. It found the service was ‘good’ in one area, adequate’ in three areas, ‘requires improvement’ in six areas, and ‘inadequate’ in one area.

The inspectorate found that the service’s performance had deteriorated in some areas, with serious concerns about how it manages resources and risk. This is a cause of concern in relation to the scrutiny of financial decisions, transparency around capital project funding and performance management.

The inspectorate said that the service needs to do more to improve its culture. Inspectors found that the service’s values aren’t routinely demonstrated by all staff and were disappointed to hear of instances of poor culture on some shifts, as well as misogyny and bullying. HMICFRS also found that staff have limited confidence in how well the service can deal effectively with these issues, as well as grievances and discipline.

Despite the findings, HMICFRS said the service understands risk well and has improved its processes to manage risk information. For example, it routinely collects and updates information about the highest risk people, places and threats it has identified.

His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Fire and Rescue Services Andy Cooke said: “I am grateful for the positive and constructive way in which Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service staff engaged with our inspection team. And I acknowledge the challenging and uncertain environment at the time of our inspection.

“However, I have concerns about the performance of Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service in keeping people safe and secure from fire and other risks. In particular, I have serious concerns about its use of resources.

“We were disappointed to see that the service hasn’t made the progress we expected since our 2021 inspection despite having a good basis to build on. Many areas have deteriorated, particularly in relation to efficiency and the service’s people.

“In view of these findings, I have been in regular contact with the acting deputy chief fire officer as I do not underestimate how much improvement is needed. I will keep in close contact with the service to monitor its progress in addressing the cause of concern and associated recommendations.”

Chief Fire Officer for Shropshire Fire and Rescue, Simon Hardiman, said: “This has been a challenging year for the Service, however it is important we take all opportunities to learn and make positive changes.

“I am pleased to see the report highlighted our readiness and ability to respond to emergencies, which demonstrates to the community that we will be there in their time of need.

“We have work to do around ensuring our processes are efficient and effective and that the right people are in the right roles. We are already making progress in these areas. I am confident that with renewed ambition Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service will improve, continuing to deliver the best service to our communities and make Shropshire safer.”

Cllr David Minnery, Chair of Shropshire and Wrekin Fire and Rescue Authority said: “We have reviewed the findings of the HMICFRS report and take on board the areas of improvement outlined. We will continue to scrutinise and monitor the progress the Service makes and hold executive leaders to account.”

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