The Hits Radio Breakfast Show with Alex & Nicola

Kickstart your weekdays from 6am

The Hits Radio Breakfast Show with Alex & Nicola

About The Hits Radio Breakfast Show with Alex & Nicola

Alex wanted to be an actor, airline pilot or radio presenter ever since he was a kid. He failed at the first, wasn’t clever enough for the second, so radio is really all he was left with.

He's always got a witty comeback, he's a bit of a geek and he's been picked last for every sports team he's ever played in.

Nicola is a self-certified geek and music junkie and since leaving University, her life has been dedicated to radio.

She has the WORST memory and struggles to remember anything!

If Nicola had to take 3 items to a desert Island she would take a Roast Dinner, her huge family (isn’t that cheating?), and randomly Kathy Burke.”