A-Level results day on the Yorkshire Coast

This year's cohort have never sat public exams before having had their GCSEs cancelled two years ago

Author: Karen LiuPublished 18th Aug 2022
Last updated 18th Aug 2022

Today is A-Level results day on the Yorkshire Coast.

It is a big day for many as this year's cohort have never sat public exams before having had their GCSEs cancelled in 2020.

It is due to significant disruption to education because of the recent pandemic.

Scarborough Sixth Form College

Scarborough Sixth Form College says it has been "another year of outstanding results' for their students" claiming it has reaffirmed its "status as one of the top-performing sixth form colleges in the north of England for student progress."

The college says this summer, the overall pass rate is 99.2% with 56% of entries awarded an A to B grade and 80% gaining an A to C grade. There has been another strong show in the number of A and A grades too, with 10% of all entries awarded the top grade of A and 32% gaining an A or A. Individual success stories include 3 students who achieved a place at Oxford and Cambridge universities and an impressive 45 students who achieved 3 or more A/A grades, an increase from last year. Amongst the many individual achievements, the year group had two sets of twins who both achieved straight A*/A grades.

Principal Phil Rumsey said: “These are fantastic results for our students that will allow them to progress to the University of their choice or to begin employment and enjoy successful careers. For some of our students who joined us with below-average GCSEs, these achievements today will be life-changing.

"Despite the significant disruption to their education due to the recent pandemic, the students and staff have worked very hard to achieve these excellent and well-deserved results. This year’s cohort had never sat public exams before having had their GCSEs cancelled in 2020, so this makes the results even more noteworthy. I would like to give a special mention to all of our staff who have worked with great focus and energy to enable and support our students to do their best.

“The A Level results are complemented by another outstanding set of BTEC results where there was a pass rate of 99.4% with 73.2% of entries achieving the highest grades of Distinction or Distinction Star. This again confirms the college as one of the best providers of BTEC in the country.

"We also received our first set of T level results, a new national qualification, where there was a 100% pass rate with 84.6% achieving the highest grades in Early Years Education and Childcare. From this new T level, two of our students have secured places at the prestigious Norland College with the remainder split between university and employment places.

“Our purpose at the college is to enable students to set their sights high and realise their ambitions. We have students with a wide range of talents and abilities whose needs we are here to meet as part of the local community. Students achieving such good qualifications and progressing to higher-level destinations is clearly a big part of that and we continually strive to achieve even more for them.”

Scarborough UTC

Scarborough UTC says its students are celebrating with some getting set to begin their careers at top universities including Loughborough, Newcastle, Portsmouth, Leeds and Hull and local employers.

Lee Kilgour, Principal at Scarborough UTC said: “We are very proud of our students and it is great to see their hard work and dedication recognised by leading universities and employers. Working closely with our industry partners throughout the college year alongside excellent teaching and learning has ensured our students are well prepared for these exciting next steps.”

Three graduating students beginning their engineering and cyber security careers are Alex Jenkins, Ryan Pashby and Alfie Cox.

Alex (18 years old and from Scarborough) has secured a place on a degree apprenticeship with the MOD, following top grades of A Physics, A Maths, B Further Maths and A Product Design. Alex has also had phenomenal success as part of the Scarborough UTC SBA Avidity F1 in Schools team and now takes this knowledge and skill forward to a career in the automotive industry.

Ryan (18 years old and from Scarborough) has secured a place at University of Portsmouth studying Counter Terrorism, Intelligence and Cyber Crime following achieving top Distinction * grades in Engineering and IT.

Alfie (18 years old and from Scarborough) has secured a L4 apprenticeship in mechanical engineering with Unison in Scarborough, world leaders in CNC tube and pipe bending machines and one of the UTC’s key sponsors.

Scarborough University Technical College provides a fantastic opportunity for students aged from 13 to 19 to gain practical experience in engineering, computer science or health whilst studying for Technical Qualifications, GCSEs and A levels.

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