Man from York jailed for non-recent child sexual abuse

John Anthony Whitehead committed the offences in the 1980s and 1990s.

Author: Harry LongPublished 12th Mar 2021

A 79 year-old man from York's been jailed for 17 years for non-recent sexual abuse of children.

John Anthony Whitehead committed 20 offences during the 1980s and 1990s on children aged between four and nine years old.

He originally pleaded not guilty and stood trial at York Crown Court last month , but changed his pleas to guilty when presented with one victim’s testimony.

His four victims have been praised for their bravery in coming forward.

Detective Inspector Jackie Smart, of York CID said: “The bravery of these victims cannot be overestimated, nor can the impact the abuse has had on their lives. They have stuck with what was a long and difficult investigation over the past three years to see Whitehead brought to justice.

"Nothing can take away the affect the abuse had on their lives and the distress it has caused them over the years. But I hope the sentence handed out to Whitehead brings some closure for them and that they can now put it behind them knowing that he is now behind bars for the terrible abuse he inflicted on them.

“The first victim to come forward did so after seeing a newspaper article about another jailed sex offender and a comment from North Yorkshire Police that it is never too late to report sexual abuse. That is absolutely the case, and I hope other victims of abuse who are reading this are reassured by this and that they do come forward and report what has happened to them.”