What other titles has Prince Andrew lost?

City of York Council is the latest to strip the royal of an honour

Author: May NormanPublished 28th Apr 2022

City of York Council's voted in favour to remove the Freedom of York honour from Prince Andrew.

That decision is the latest loss for the Duke of York amid the fallout from a civil sex case against the royal.

It follows allegations made against the Prince that he sexually assaulted a woman when she was 17.

The Royal has always denied doing anything wrong and the case was settled out of court earlier this year.

There was no admission of liability in the deal he reached.

However, members of York Council branded him an ‘utter disgrace’ and said the duke brings ‘shame and reputational damage everywhere he goes’.

City councillors now also want the Duke of York to give up his title or for the Queen to remove it from him.

But what other titles has Andrew been stripped of?

In January, ahead of the legal settlement, the Queen stripped Andrew of his honorary military roles and he gave up his HRH style.

The honorary military roles he returned to the Queen were:

  • Colonel of the Grenadier Guards
  • Honorary air commodore of RAF Lossiemouth
  • Colonel-in-chief of the Royal Irish Regiment
  • Colonel-in-chief of the Small Arms School Corps
  • Commodore-in-chief of the Fleet Air Arm
  • Royal colonel of the Royal Highland Fusiliers, 2nd Battalion, The Royal Regiment of Scotland
  • Deputy colonel-in-chief of The Royal Lancers (Queen Elizabeth's Own)
  • Colonel-in-chief of the Yorkshire Regiment
  • Colonel-in-chief of the Queen's York Rangers (1st American Regiment)
  • Colonel-in-chief of The Royal Highland Fusiliers Of Canada
  • Colonel-in-chief of the Royal New Zealand Army Logistic Regiment (The Duke of York's Own)
  • Colonel-in-chief of the Princess Louise Fusiliers (in Nova Scotia, Canada)

In January, he also gave up his honorary membership at the prestigious home of golf - the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews in Fife.

Buckingham Palace and a spokesperson for Andrew declined to comment.

The Queen's second son made a rare public appearance at a Westminster Abbey service in March in memory of his father, the Duke of Edinburgh.

His central role escorting the Queen to the memorial service has raised the prospect of Andrew putting in an appearance during the Platinum Jubilee weekend in June.

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