Warning of 'big health challenges' ahead this Winter in York

The Academy of Medical Sciences has brought together 29 leading experts to forecast what the biggest health problems will be - and how best to head them off.

Author: Benjamin FearnPublished 15th Jul 2021

There's a warning that this Winter will bring big health challenges for the NHS across York and North Yorkshire.

It's as The Academy of Medical Sciences is bringing together 29 leading experts to forecast what the biggest health problems will be.

Professor Mike Holmes is Chair of Nimbuscare in York, and explains what he thinks the big issues will be: "The upcoming Winter is going to pose for health and social care right across the board.

"It's clear the whole system is under significant pressure already as we start to emerge from the pandemic. There are three things that worry me: firstly I still think we'll be having to deal with Covid as we know the vaccination programme won't eradicate Covid and we're seeing a big rise in cases.

"Secondly, we're going to see big pressures from NHS waiting lists - they're issues for the whole system.

"Thirdly, we're going to see a return of the usual Winter viruses and illnesses. We need to work together right across social care to tackle whatever comes our way.

"Of course we don't know if Covid restrictions will be reintroduced this Winter, but we can't rule it out. If they are needed then of course they need to be reintroduced.

"We're also facing a reorganisation of the NHS: there's a new integrated care white paper going through Parliament in the Autumn, and we'll start to see that introduced from early next year.

"That does worry me in how we'll cope with the pressures the system's under whilst facing a possible big reorganisation, but we're all committed to what we're doing for our patients and I'm sure we'll manage to do this successfully".

Professor Holmes has also been asked about a possible Covid booster programme in the Autumn to help stave off pressures on the NHS: "Between now and the end of September we'll be working on vaccinated all eligible adults over the age of 18, but we are now planning a booster programme for the Autumn.

"The details are still being finalised, but hopefully we'll see a comprehensive programme of delivering Covid and flu vaccines to the most at risk.

"I am worried about things other than Covid such as the impact of the pandemic on mental health. As as society we need to really think about how best to support our communities during what I think will be a very difficult Winter".

Professor Holmes adds that measures such as masks will still be useful in limiting the spread of Covid, despite restrictions being lifted next week: "Clearly there's a lot of coverage in the media about the relaxation of rules, but what we've learned over the pandemic is that those measures do work to limit the spread of infection.

"Please continue to be aware of this by sanitising your hands and wear your masks in crowded places. Let's just keep that awareness really high.

"I'd also like to say a word of thanks to everyone who has worked in health and social care during the pandemic. We recognise that they are tired; they are affected by all of this.

"We know that it's not ending here - we won't eradicate the virus, and the consequences of the pandemic will go on for some time to come.

"I'm in awe of all NHS staff and we should spare a thought for them".

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