'Staffing difficulties' at Filey and Eastfield police station front desks

It means there's going to be reduced opening hours

Author: Local Democracy Reporter, Anttoni James NumminenPublished 14th Jun 2023

Filey and Eastfield Police Station will introduce reduced front desk opening hours due to “staffing difficulties”.

Both Filey and Eastfield Police Station are set to have reduced opening hours at their front desks until September, according to a report by North Yorkshire Police (NYP).

The report, prepared for this month’s full meeting of Filey Town Council on Wednesday, June 14, states that the staffing-related changes will be in place for the next four months.

Filey Police Station’s front desk will be open from 9am – 3pm every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

The front desk at Eastfield Police Station will be open between 9am and 4pm every Tuesday and Thursday.

The report prepared for Filey Town Council also states that there were 118 incidents reported in the area in May whilst North Yorkshire Police dealt with 883 incidents across the area as a whole.

In May, NYP officers responded to several incidents involving complaints relating to the behaviour of drivers.

The report states: “Two day-visitors to Filey decided to take their cars on the beach and drive them in a dubious manner.

“Officers attended and issued both drivers and cars with Sec.59 warnings – they are also under investigation for careless driving.”

Another incident involving vehicles was investigated by officers after a visitor to Filey “reported five cars using Country Park as a racetrack” and though “officers attended within 20 minutes the vehicles had left the area”.

NYP asked the public to remember that “when reporting incidents such as this, please try to obtain the car registration mark to allow us to make further enquiries”.

The report notes that in addition to the traditional 999 or 101, NYP “can be contacted on our email address at snafiley@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk.”

However, incidents should not be reported to the email but can be used to contact a member of the local police team for advice.

Local crime statistics and other information can be found at www.police.uk.