"Look out for your neighbour" in North Yorkshire as stay at home shielding message ends

People who have been shielding from the last year can stop from today

Author: Natalie HigginsPublished 1st Apr 2021
Last updated 1st Apr 2021

From today, 3.8 million people can stop shielding as lockdown rules ease across the country and people in North Yorkshire look forward to getting back to 'the new normal'.

People with severe underlying health conditions can now go to the shops and to work, as well as meeting up with five other people outdoors.

Some have spent the last year behind closed doors, but it's thought now all shielders should have been offered their first vaccine dose so is a lot safer for them to venture outside.

But there are worries from the shielding community that they may still be at risk and are cautious about entering back into this new, unknown society.

It's as some support schemes are coming to an end in the coming weeks, like priority supermarket deliveries.

Bex Bish is from the area and has been shielding for the last year.

She said: "Technically I can go out a little bit more and see my family but I'm still going to take extra precautions. But, just because the shielding ends, doesn't mean my conditions do. I've got to be really careful.

"Maybe just a little bit longer would've been better. A good proportion of the population haven't been vaccinated yet so that would give us a bit more coverage. We may not have to shield but that doesn't mean we can't make the choice to still shield.

"I have found it really difficult. I miss my friends and family and I love going out and window shopping. It's all been very hard."

Richard Webb, corporate director for health and adult services at North Yorkshire County Council, is urging people to "look out for their neighbour" if they know they've been shielding.

He said: "The main thing I would ask is look out for your friends and neighbours. If you've got someone near you who you know has been shielding please keep in touch with them. Give them a call or a socially distanced check up.

"If you have been shielding then it's right to show extra caution. Keep your distance from people, wear a facemask where you can and keep washing your hands.

"We continue to have 23 community hubs across North Yorkshire and they're the main point of contact for people who need any support or types of assistance."

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