Two former Scarborough RNLI coxswains die on same day

The lifeboat house's flag is at half mast in honour of Richard Constantine MBE and Stuart Ogden MBE

Author: Jon BurkePublished 28th Feb 2022
Last updated 28th Feb 2022

The RNLI flag at Scarborough lifeboat house is at half mast, out of respect for former coxswain Richard Constantine, who passed away in St Catherine's hospice on Friday, aged 73.

Richard, who served in the role from 1994-2003, was awarded an MBE for his services to the RNLI.

Lifeboat operations manager (LOM), Andy Volans, said:

“The station learns with sadness of the loss of Richard, who gave many years service to the station and the RNLI as crew and coxswain. Our thoughts and sympathy to his family.”

Colin Woodhead, who chairs Scarborough RNLI’s management committee, said:

“Richard was a real gentleman, a lovely chap. I saw him just before Christmas, walking on the Marine Drive, and he was looking forward to going back to Spain for a couple of months."

Richard became coxswain / mechanic, a full-time role, during the 16 years that Fred Normandale was LOM. Fred describes his old friend as “totally reliable - he kept his boat immaculate. We went to Graham Sea Training School together, he was a year above me. He was a fantastic footballer and played with us at the Penguins.”

Another lifelong friend, George Westwood, said Richard was a panel beater at Plaxton then became a fisherman, working on trawlers and cobles. He ran speedboats for visitors out of the harbour for a couple of summers. George and Richard were best man at each other’s weddings.

Richard was formally thanked by the RNLI in recognition of his seamanship, skill and determination after a particularly difficult shout in 1994. The Fanny Victoria Wilkinson & Frank Stubbs lifeboat repeatedly manoeuvred close to the sea-wall in confused breaking seas in the North Bay, in an attempt to rescue someone who had gone into the sea to save a dog.

Scarborough RNLI says by the strangest of coincidences, the death of another former coxswain also died on Friday at Saint Catherine's.

Stuart Ogden was awarded an MBE for his services to the RNLI too.

Lifeboat operations manager (LOM) Andy Volans said: “After hearing the sad news of Richard’s death on Saturday, we are doubly saddened to learn that we have also lost another former coxswain, Stuart. Both men served the station and town extremely well over three decades. We extend our heartfelt sympathy and condolences to their families.”

Stuart, who was coxswain from 1987-94, was succeeded by Richard, who served in the role from 1994-2003.

Stuart was appointed coxswain of the Amelia lifeboat in the spring of 1987, after four years as second coxswain. He was still at the helm four years later when the Amelia was replaced by the Mersey-class Fanny Victoria Wilkinson & Frank Stubbs.

On 28 and 29 October 1991, the new lifeboat, with Stuart in charge, teamed up with Filey lifeboat to spend all night searching for a missing fishing boat. In choppy seas and a fresh south-easterly wind, the two rescue craft looked in vain between 8.20pm and 5.30am, when they returned to base for the boats to refuel and the crews to eat.

Stuart enlisted the help of several trawler skippers and broadened the search. With Stuart as on-scene commander, 21 vessels, now including Whitby lifeboat, conducted a systematic search. Sadly, an uncharted wreck was eventually found on the sea bed. The Scarborough lifeboat picked up a few police divers and took them to the scene.

The RNLI’s chief of operations, Commodore George Cooper, sent Stuart a formal letter of appreciation in recognition of “the excellent way in which you led this long and intensive search.”

Former LOM Colin Lawson joined the inshore lifeboat crew in 1978 and was persuaded to double up, becoming a member of both crews, by Stuart in 1983. After a difficult start, they became firm friends.

“He could be severe,” Colin recalls. “He took no prisoners and you had to match up to his exacting standards whether you liked it or not. He revamped the whole thinking about the offshore boat and crew training became a serious issue under Stuart,” Colin said.

“Just before the Fanny Victoria Wilkinson & Frank Stubbs went, we took him for a final spin and he took the wheel just as though he had never left it.”

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