Scarborough mental health support group 'busier than ever'

A Scarborough mental health support group is reminding people that they are there to help.

Author: Karen LiuPublished 15th Jun 2021

A Scarborough mental health support group is reminding people that they are there to help.

'Speak Out' says its members are available for those who just want someone to talk to.

It is holding a fundraising event on the 28th of June from 11am so they can help more people with the money they raise

The group's founder is Helen Speak and she said:

"Numbers are a hit and miss within the community groups because a lot of different reasons a lot of people are starting to come out and stuff, but then because the weather's got better that can have an effect on whether people come to the group but in general we're busier than ever supporting people.

"People's mental health obviously has taken a knock-on effort due to Covid and people are struggling more than ever as well due to lockdown and the restrictions and now having to face the big, bad world in a very different way to as what we were doing.

"A lot of people just feel like they want to talk and they're glad that they've found that space to be able to do so and you know loneliness I suppose is a big one, just people want to get out and meet people and I think that feeling of not feeling alone.

"We've got lots of things set up that we're carrying forward; starting with Mrs. Motivator's spectacular which is a fundraising event set to be lots of fun with laughter. Mrs. Motivator's already been getting sponsors in and she's already raised in the region of £300 which is absolutely amazing.

"Some of these guys that are in the gruop will be performing a little bit, this is abolustely massive for them, it shows how far they've come bcecause some of these guys couldn't even walk into a room on their own before, some still suffer with a lot of anxiety, different mental and physical conditions."

For more information, join the Speak Out Community Support Group here:

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