Scarborough Borough infection rate continues to climb

The rate per 100,000 people is 349 which is the highest level since January

Author: Local Democracy Reporter, Carl GavaghanPublished 15th Jul 2021

Scarborough’s coronavirus rate is continuing to climb as a plea is made to residents to continue to “respect and protect” each other as the end of restrictions nears.

The borough’s rate per 100,000 people is now 349, its highest level since the first week of January with 54 new cases being recorded every day.

Ahead of the lockdown restrictions being lifted on Monday, North Yorkshire County Council’s chief executive Richard Flinton has urged people to continue to look out for each other’s health and to continue to wear masks.

In a residents’ email last night he wrote:

“More than 80 Covid patients are in the main hospitals that serve the county, compared with 400-plus in January, but that number has doubled in five days.

“Those numbers alone tell us that we need to continue to act responsibly.

“I can sum up our approach in two words: respect and protect. We can show respect for and offer protection to ourselves and those around us by continuing to do the simple things.

“Please continue to wear your face covering in crowded spaces outdoors or indoors.

“Businesses and shops need to do all they can to protect their staff, as well as customers. They don’t want to have to close because staff are self-isolating, so wearing a facemask not only protects you, it protects other people and supports local business.

“Likewise with social distancing, some people may not feel as confident as you, so giving them space is important. Regular hand washing and sticking to well-ventilated places remains important, too.

“Above all else, it is crucial that you have your vaccination. Get your first jab as soon as you’re able – and make sure you get your second jab, too. That continues to be our best line of defence.”

The coronavirus rate in North Yorkshire as a whole now stands at 372 per 100,000, ahead of the England average of 357.

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