Scarborough Athletic granted premises licence for Victory Bar and Fan Zone

It's been granted by North Yorkshire Council

Author: Local Democracy Reporter, Anttoni James NumminenPublished 30th May 2023

Scarborough Athletic FC’s Victory Bar and Fan Zone has been granted a premises licence by North Yorkshire Council.

North Yorkshire Council’s Licensing Sub Committee has approved a premises licence application submitted by Scarborough Athletic FC for its Victory Bar and Fan Zone.

The committee decided to grant the football club a licence in accordance with its application which includes the sale of alcohol from 10am to 11pm and opening hours from 10am to 11.30pm.

The licence also grants permission for the screening of films between 10am and 11pm, but does not permit “adult entertainment or services, activities, other entertainment” that would give “rise to concern in respect of children”.

The Victory Bar is a marquee bar structure operating within an enclosed high-fenced Fan Zone at the club’s Flamingo Land Stadium on Ashburn Road, Scarborough.

On match days, the licensed premises will include the bar, Fan Zone and the football ground, including the football pitch and stands where drinks can be consumed.

Additional conditions set by the authority include a requirement for a crowd management plan to be agreed between North Yorkshire Police and club management “prior to the commencement of the sporting season”.

Additional door supervisors will also have to be employed when “reasonably requested” by North Yorkshire Police for bank holidays, special events, and football matches

Whilst the off sales of alcohol will be permitted in sealed containers, the premises will be required to operate the Challenge 25 age verification policy.

Some objections to the granting of the licence were received by North Yorkshire Council, with members of the public expressing concerns about “noise pollution due to the temporary structure not restricting noise” as well as anti-social behaviour concerns.

According to the report, there were also concerns about “drunkenness and people urinating”.

A representation in favour of the plan stated that “the club is an exciting spirited movement and the site is well located”.

The conditions will be those already volunteered by the applicant together with appropriate conditions.

The licensing committee approved SAFC’s application on Tuesday, May 16.

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