Pubs in York and North Yorkshire 'preparing outdoor shelters' for re-opening

Preparations are underway ahead of the re-opening of outdoor hospitality next week.

Author: Benjamin FearnPublished 8th Apr 2021

Some pubs in York and North Yorkshire are investing in outdoor shelters to prepare for re-opening on Monday.

Outdoor hospitality will be allowed from Monday 12th April in groups of up to 6 outside.

James Barker is from The Carlton Inn near Thirsk- he says they had to alter their approach when the pandemic hit: "What a tough year it's been for everybody involved. We had been trading really well up until the first lockdown in March 2020.

"We had to come up with ideas on how to diversify, how to keep in touch with people and what services to do. We came up with a form of village shop, where people could order and collect fruit and veg.

"We've got some older residents in the village who were struggling to get out, so we did deliveries for them. We also did a takeaway service, which was very hit and miss.

"We've looked at other revenue streams as well. We've put an application in for four caravans near our large carpark, and it's hoped that anyone who stays might come and use the pub as well.

"Moving forward we're going to open on the 15th April (Thursday) in the evening, followed by all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

"April will be very weather dependent, and I am hesitant as it feels like one arm tied behind my back. However, we've got to give it a go.

"I've had to invest in a few shelters and heaters outside, so people can sit outside from next week. Really looking forward to opening the inside spaces on the 17th May. Hopefully we can have a good crack at the Summer then.

"It's been a long slog, especially not interacting with people. I've missed everybody. The people in the village have been supporting us, but it is very difficult for us as a pub.

"Nobody wants us to fail; everybody wants to see the pub re-open".