Major upgrade to Harrogate Hospital intensive care unit completed

More patients can now be treated at the unit

The department has recently been extended to accommodate more patients
Author: Harry LongPublished 17th Mar 2021
Last updated 18th Mar 2021

Major improvements to Harrogate Hospital have been completed.

£1m has been invested in upgrading the intensive care unit.

The changes have increased capacity, meaning more people can be treated.

They include five new side rooms as well as six beds across two bays.

Consultant Dr Sarah Marsh said: "It's absolutely amazing to see it today, to realise all those visions that we had about how we might want the intensive care unit to look, feel and operate. To have it all ready and finished is fantastic, particularly on the back of a really difficult twelve months.

"It's going to make a huge difference to not only the patients but the staff as well. Even the simple things like having access to daylight - it was very dark in here previously, so it's difficult for patients to know what was day and what was night, and along with that comes confusion, and that can really compromise your care."

Ross Stuart, a farmer from Ripon, cut the ribbon at the unit earlier. He received life saving treatment in 2019.

He said: "I was in here for five weeks on life support. I don't remember any of January - I went to sleep in December and woke up in February. It's all down to the people here that I woke up. I don't remember anything really."