North Yorkshire teenager takes on marathon with the Hardest Geezer

Marcus will be heading to London

Author: Kathy GreenPublished 7th Sep 2024

A North Yorkshire teenager is running a marathon today to raise awareness of mental health.

16 year old Marcus from Malton has a huge following online and makes videos sharing positive messages.

He's taking on the challenge in London - alongside Russ Cook - aka the Hardest Geezer who became famous after running the length of Africa.

Writing on his fundraising page Marcus says: 'For the last 3 years I have been suffering with bad mental health, including suicidal thoughts, depression and OCD intrusive thoughts. MIND holds a very close place in my heart and what they do for speaking out and helping people is truly incredible.'

'Having lost a friend to the battle and having family who have suffered in the past, my goal is to spread the word of mental health and make people realise it is OKAY TO NOT BE OKAY. Speaking out is such a beautiful thing and it genuinely does save lives!!'

You can donate to his fundraiser here