Hope for new parents in Scarborough to reunite with loved ones

Limited indoor mixing is allowed from May 17th at the earliest.

Author: Benjamin FearnPublished 23rd Feb 2021

It's hoped the children of new mums and dads in York and North Yorkshire will be able to see other family members soon.

From March 29th the "rule of six" will be re introduced alongside the two household rule. The "rule of six" means that up to six people from different households can meet outside.

More people will be able gather together if they are only from two households, giving greater flexibility for families and friends.

From May 17th at earliest, two households or groups of up to six people can mix indoors and limited crowds will be allowed to return to sporting events. Children's play areas will be opened alongside hotels, and limited groups will be allowed in theatres.

Susanna Mayes is from Scarborough and gave birth during the first lockdown last year. She told Greatest Hits Radio Yorkshire Coast: "I feel the announcement is positive, but I'm not sure it's guarded enough. It feels very rushed.

"I don't want to get my hopes up too much, because I think it'll start and then they'll have to put the lockdown in place again.

"If it was to go well, it would be nice to meet up with family members again - and for those family members to meet my youngest.

"She would literally be able to walk to them now, which is a very odd way to meet your grandparents for the very first time.

"It's been very hard thinking about all the things that she's missed out on, such as swimming, clubs, meeting with family and forging those relationships.

"People have missed out on those milestones that we've seen at home. I don't want to get my hopes up too much, because it pushes you down when it fails.

"I'd rather be pessimistic and pleasantly surprised than the other way around".