Harrogate man jailed for dealing drugs

Christopher Patrick Hollowed was caught by undercover police officers in January.

Author: Harry LongPublished 19th Mar 2021

A 54 year-old man from Harrogate's been jailed for dealing Class A drugs.

Christopher Patrick Hollowed was caught by undercover police officers on Mount Parade in January.

He pleaded guilty to suppling crack cocaine and heroin at York Crown Court and was sentenced to 20 months in prison.

Investigating officer, Detective Sergeant Tom Barker of Harrogate’s Operation Expedite Team, said: “Today’s sentence is on the back of the work we’re carrying out day in day out to arrest those involved in this type of criminality..

“Drug dealing causes misery in our communities and we hope local people are reassured that we are committed to disrupting it and taking those responsible off the streets.

“We urge anyone with information about drug dealing in their area, no matter how insignificant it may seem, to continue to report information to us to help us.”