Government urged to allow more outdoor trips for care home residents in North Yorkshire

North Yorkshire County Council has written to the Department of Health and Social Care.

Author: Benjamin FearnPublished 14th Apr 2021

The Government's being urged to allow care home residents in North Yorkshire to have safe trips outside.

It's as North Yorkshire County Council says it's concerned about restrictive rules on visits.

Richard Webb is North Yorkshire County Council's Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services: "We've issued some further guidance this week supporting the introduction of two visitors indoors as part of measures to keep people in touch.

"One of the things that the Government guidance that was published last week did say was quite restrictive about residents taking trips out.

"We felt that was a bit of a backwards step. You'll remember that back in October we did a piece of work with people who lived in care homes, their families and care providers about how we could have safe visiting and trips out.

"If you live in a care home you are entitled to get fresh air as well, so we've given some advice on how to do that in a cautious and safe way. We were a bit disappointed to see some further restrictions there.

"We have raised it with the Department of Health and Social Care, because as long as it's done safely we'd like to see residents enjoying the Spring sunshine like the rest of us are.

"Hopefully that will be looked at and we can give some better news in the near future".

The latest easing of lockdown rules allow for two visitors inside, but family members must wear PPE and provide a negative Covid test result.