Children and parents along the Yorkshire Coast preparing for school return

All age groups are allowed back in the classroom from Monday.

Author: Benjamin FearnPublished 6th Mar 2021

We've been finding out how children and their parents on the Yorkshire Coast feel about returning to the classroom.

From Monday (8th), primary schools will welcome back pupils - with those in secondaries going back by the 15th.

SJ Barker runs Scarborough and Whitby mumbler: "I'm looking forward to the kids going back to be honest, because they just need to get into a bit more of a routine.

"We've quite enjoyed home schooling. We've managed fine, and the school have been brilliant with what they've provided them to do.

"I think it's now time for them to be back in the classroom. With that comes a bit of anxiety - will it be okay? Hopefully we won't be back to self-isolation and that type of yo-yo situation we were in before Christmas.

"Throughout lockdown we've tried to crack on early and get home schooling done. Starting off hasn't been a problem, but my problem is they think they're probably finishing by 11 o'clock!

"It could be a bit of a rude awakening on Monday. I'd say they'll be very tired - there'll be lots of overwhelmed, over-excited children that by 3 o'clock will be a little bit grumpy and maybe in need of a large snack.

"I'm quite looking forward to being able to work without trying to watch children at the same time, and without having to fight them for a device. I'm also looking forward to having a cup of tea by myself and not hearing constant shouts of 'mummy!'"

SJ's son Henry is 8 years old: "I haven't been able to see my friends, but we've been able to do learning in different ways and to collaborate as well.

"I'm looking forward to getting back to school with all my friends - whatever the subject!"