Cat found abandoned in bin bag in Scarborough with newborn kittens

The umbilical cords were still attached

Author: Seb CheerPublished 29th Nov 2020

The RSPCA in Scarborough has launched an investigation, after a mother cat and four tiny newborn kittens were found tied up in a bin bag in the town.

A man was walking home from work on Tuesday (24 November) when he heard a cat in distress. He then found the cats, with umbilical cords still attached.

RSPCA Inspector Laura Barber said: "He found the poor mum and her kittens tied up in a double-bagged bin liner dumped on the grass verge, took them home with him and called us.

“He kindly agreed to take care of them overnight until I was able to collect them on Wednesday morning and I took them straight to a local vet.

“Miraculously, they all seem to be in good condition, mum is doing really well and is feeding all of her kittens. They’ve all got fleas so will be treated for that and monitored until they can move to RSPCA Scarborough & District branch.

“This little family was incredibly lucky. It was very chilly last night and they’d been tied up inside two plastic bags so could have easily suffocated or succumbed to the cold."

The charity is now concerned that - after more people have bought pets during lockdown - it could face its toughest Christmas yet.

They're urging people to reach out to them for support if it's needed - as job losses and financial strain are feared to be on the way for more people on the Yorkshire Coast.