35,000 people across North Yorkshire 'still haven't come forward for a vaccine'

It's as more than 420,000 doses have been given out across North Yorkshire and York

Author: Benjamin FearnPublished 15th Apr 2021

Around 35,000 people across York and North Yorkshire - who are eligible - haven't come forward yet for a vaccine.

The North Yorkshire CCG says it's working hard on education and support programmes to encourage people.

Amanda Bloor is the accountability officer at North Yorkshire CCG: "We know that there's around 35,000 people across those cohorts (the 1-9 priority categories) who are eligible and haven't come forward.

"GPs and colleagues in the NHS are working hard to reach those people, and to understand what support they might need to increase their confidence in getting a vaccine.

"That work is ongoing. There's lower uptake in areas of North Yorkshire that are more deprived, in some of our ethnic minority populations and in some cases where people have mental health problems or learning disabilities.

"We're working hard with our GP practices and also with members of local communities to support and target engagement. It is really important that we give every opportunity to support people to come forward and get the vaccine.

"We're now moving into Phase 2 and cohorts 10-12 (under 50s). We've seen the first cases of the Moderna vaccine at Askham Bar and we anticipate that the local vaccination sites will be inviting the over 45s.

"The guidance is helping us to be more innovative now. For example, if someone who is aged 45 got invited for a vaccination there's the possibility for them to bring their parents who are unvaccinated, and to come as a family.

"We're working through how we can make that work through the booking system, but I think that's going to be really helpful - particularly where parents have a lack of confidence in the vaccination programme.

"We’ve been assured there’ll be enough supply to meet the next deadline at the end of July of offering every adult a first dose. We're also expecting sufficient supply in the coming months for everyone to have a second dose".