Tugwell garage to be demolished in Scarborough

It's likely to take place next year

Author: Local Democracy Reporter, Carl GavaghanPublished 23rd Nov 2020
Last updated 23rd Nov 2020

A derelict building designed by the same architect behind Scarborough’s Futurist Theatre is to be demolished.

Lloyd Kelly applied to Scarborough Council to knock down the former Scarborough Carpets building and warehouse in Albemarle Crescent earlier this year.

Despite its appearance, the building has a storied history as it was designed by renowned architect Frank Tugwell in 1926 for a Mr H A Whittaker.

Tugwell was also responsible for the interior of the Savoy Theatre in London and the Theatre Royal in York.

Locally, he is famous as the man who designed the Futurist Theatre on Scarborough’s seafront, which was controversially demolished by Scarborough Council in 2018.

Scarborough Council planning officers have now approved the demolition of the Albemarle building, despite concerns raised by fans of the architect.

One of the objectors, Scarborough resident Tony Freeman had urged the council not to allow the demolition.

He wrote: “Tugwell is a local and eminent architect who designed many building across Scarborough, as well as a number of country houses, cinemas and theatres across the country.

“It is important for the heritage of the town that the facade of this former garage building is retained.”

Mr Kelly’s application stated that the building is in such a state of disrepair that “local residents are amazed the local authority has not started enforcement action to have the building removed”.

Scarborough Council planning officers have now approved the demolition plan, noting that permission had previously been granted to raze the building, which sits in the town’s Conservation Area, in 2010.

The officers’ planning report concluded: “Whilst undoubtedly some harm to the Conservation Area would be caused, officers consider that the harm would not constitute substantial harm to the designated heritage asset (the Conservation Area).

“Whilst the loss of the building is regretful it is considered that an appropriately designed redevelopment of the site would present the most

practical solution in improving the character and appearance of this part of the

Conservation Area, thus creating public benefit which outweighs the less than

substantial harm caused.”

The officers believe they may have found a way to save part of the building, however.

The report adds: “One objector has recommended that the applicant should be required to save this element for use in the facade of a future building on this or another appropriate site within the town of Scarborough.

“Whilst this did not originally form part of the applicant’s proposals, officers have discussed this with the agent, as this is seen as a practical solution to enable demolition works to proceed, whilst providing an opportunity to consider if and how the faience blockwork can be incorporated into a new building on the site, or possibly used elsewhere.”

The demolition is likely to be followed next year by an application to use the land for residential and commercial premises, according to the planning documents.