Wigan mum posts pics of daughter in a coma to warn people of taking ecstasy

Posts of teenager in hospital bed after taking drug go viral.

Published 9th Jan 2017

Pictures of a Wigan teenager in hospital after taking ecstasy have gone viral after her mum shared them on Facebook.

Leah Robinson collapsed over Christmas after taking the drug and was rushed to hospital after falling into a coma.

Her mum Kerry shared pictures of the 16 year-old to act as a warning to others over the dangers of taking ecstasy.

The posts pictured were accompanied by the comment "This is what ecstasy does wen u take them , my baby girl , plz b ok xxx plz don't take them xx"

The pictures have so far been shared over 1,600 times with hundreds of comments, many offering support and praise for the family for being so open.

One comment from Lina De Burgh said: "I don't know u but I hope she pulls through unscathed! I think it's bloody brave of u to share the pic as it warns kids of the dangers....that's why I've tagged my son in it! Xx thoughts are with u xx"

Over 20 years ago another girl named Leah died on a night out after taking ecstasy. Leah Betts was 18 when she died after a night out, her family asked that pictures of her lying in hospital be published in the media to act as a warning to others.