[Video] Machete brandishing thief robs shop in Bury

Police appeal for witnesses following robbery.

Published 28th Jan 2016

Police have appealed for witnesses after a man armed with a machete stole cash from a shop in Bury. Shortly after 7.30pm on Saturday 9th January, a man wearing a balaclava and dark clothing carrying a machete went into Fairfield Convenience Store on Rochdale Old Road in Bury. The offender was initially stood on the street corner of Rochdale Road at the junction with Battersby Street across the road from the Fairfield Inn before he went into the shop. He threatened the shop keeper and demanded that the till was opened. He stole cash and left the shop. Police are appealing for information and witnesses. PC Lucy Cronin said: "The man in the shop made a sterling attempt to defend himself and prevent the robbery but was overwhelmed by the vicious behaviour of the offender. "We have released CCTV images from the shop in the hope that we can identify the offender. If anyone has any information about the robbery or saw this man in the area around the time of the offence I would ask that they contact police."