Trump protest planned in Manchester

City joins worldwide demonstrations against US President's ban

The president's recent ban has sparked a worldwide backlash
Published 30th Jan 2017

People across Manchester are being urged to stand up against Donald Trump’s ban on people from certain countries entering the US.

The President issued an order last week calling for visa applicants from Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Iran, Sudan and Syria to be banned from travelling to the US. Sir Mo Farrah, who holds a dual UK/Somalia passport and who trains in the US issued a statement via Facebook.

The move sparked outrage across the world with thousands of people demonstrating at airports in the US while in the UK an online petition calling for Trump’s recent invitation to Britain to be rescinded reached over a million signatures, although Downing Street claim Theresa May will not be withdrawing the invite.

Councillor Pat Karney is one of the many voices speaking out against Trump.

From 6pm this evening hundreds of people are expected to be in Albert Square to voice their anger at Trump's decision. The ban has been labelled Islamaphobic by many as the nations involved are predominantly Muslim countries, during his election campaign Trump declared he wanted to put a ban on all Muslims entering the US and some see this as step towards that idea. Trump has also implemented a ban on an refugees from entering the US for at least 120 days, while banning Syrian refugees indefinitely.