Thousands sign petition to support firefighters

Hundreds of jobs could be at risk with plans to implement 12 hour shifts.

Published 21st Sep 2016

The General Secretary of the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) and the Union's President are leading a meeting in Manchester about the proposed changes to shifts which could see one in five firefighters lose their jobs.

50 FBU reps will also attend the meeting to discuss the plans.

The Greater Manchester Fire Service is defending imposing new shift patterns saying it has no choice in the light of more budget cuts.

A petition has been set up titled 'Stand With Manchester Firefighter - No to mass dismissals'. So far over 18 thousand people have signed it.

The proposals mean all 1,017 uniformed staff in the GM Fire Service could be made to re-apply for their jobs as shift changes are set to be brought in.

The Greater Manchester Fire Authority agreed to axe 253 firefighters posts at a meeting back in June - with the prospect of bringing in the controversial 12-hour shift system from April next year.

It's feared more industrial walkouts could be planned as a result.