The first to get COVID19 vaccine in Greater Manchester feels 'like a celebrity'

Ted Jones, 86, received the jab at Salford Royal Hospital.

Author: Victoria GloverPublished 8th Dec 2020
Last updated 8th Dec 2020

The first person to be vaccinated against COVID19 in Greater Manchester says he feels like a celebrity.

86-year-old Ted Jones got the jab at Salford Royal earlier, where he's been a volunteer for almost 11 years.

He's been shielding since the start of the pandemic and says he's looking forward to returning to some normality: “It is a momentous occasion, I feel like a celebrity today. I do feel a bit nervous but I am pleased that we have the vaccination here now.

“I am just looking forward to being able to get back to normal and come back to work with the rest of the volunteers who I am really missing.

“I really miss volunteering at this place – volunteering is my life, I love it here.”

Salford Royal is one of the first 50 designated hospital vaccine hubs across the country to lead the biggest and most complex immunisation programme in the NHS’s history.

Dedicated nurse link workers will be administering the vaccine to Salford Royal patients aged 80 and over, as well as those at high risk and the vulnerable, along with local care home staff and some frontline workers from across the NCA.

The life-saving vaccine is typically delivered by a simple injection in the shoulder. All those vaccinated will need a booster jab 21 days later.

NCA Chief Executive Raj Jain said:

“The COVID-19 vaccination programme is the single biggest immunisation programme in the history of the NHS and we are absolutely privileged and excited that our Salford Royal site and group is one of the first in the country to receive the vaccine and be at the forefront of its delivery in Greater Manchester.

“As the programme rolls out, as a hospital vaccine hub we will be providing the vaccine to our patients, including those first who are most vulnerable and at highest risk, our staff, healthcare staff groups from other settings and the wider population of Greater Manchester.

“Today is a momentous milestone in our COVID-19 recovery and an important positive step on our journey to return to normal. We have safely received and stored the vaccine and are ready to go. I would like to thank our teams, including our estates and facilities, pharmacy, supply, HR and occupational health, who have worked so hard to prepare for this. The vaccination programme will help us see a reduction of cases across our communities and keep people safe from COVID-19.”

There is a complex and difficult logistical challenge to deliver the vaccine from the manufacturers Pfizer to patients as the vaccine needs to be stored at -70C before being thawed out and can only be moved four times within that cold chain before being used.

Across Greater Manchester, GPs and other primary care staff are also being put on standby to start delivering the jab. A small number of GP-led primary care networks will begin doing so during the following week (week beginning 14th December) with more practices in more areas joining in on a phased basis during December and in the coming months.

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