Terror arrests hit new record high

412 people were arrested for terrorism-related offences in Britain in 2017.

Author: Victoria GloverPublished 8th Mar 2018

Terror suspects were arrested in record numbers in Britain last year in the aftermath of attacks in Manchester and London.

Official figures show there were 412 arrests, which was an increase of 58% compared with 2016 - and the first time the tally for a calendar year has been above 300.

A Home Office bulletin said the increase was partly due to a surge in both Islamist and extreme far-right activity.

The vast majority of the arrests last year were linked to either international or domestic terrorism, which were both at the highest level on record.

Of the arrests made over the year: 135 resulted in a charge, of which 110 were charged with terrorism-related offences; 228 individuals were released without charge; 33 were released on bail pending further investigation; 13 faced "alternative action''; and three cases were pending.

Security chiefs have described the scale of the threat being confronted as unprecedented.

Police and MI5 are running more than 600 live counter-terror investigations relating to 3,000 individuals.

Britain was hit by five attacks in 2017, while counter-terror agencies made an unprecedented number of interventions to thwart suspected attack planning.

Police say 10 Islamist and four extreme right-wing plots have been stopped since the Westminster atrocity in March last year.

Security Minister Ben Wallace said the figures released on Thursday are "testament to the breadth of work undertaken by the police, Security Service and wider judicial system in identifying and stopping terrorism in our communities and bringing those responsible to justice''.

He added: "The police and Security Service have been clear about the scale of the threat we face.

"We will continue to work with them and other agencies to ensure we have a broad response to all forms of terrorism both now and in the future.'