Tameside bin men encourage men to open up about domestic abuse

The campaign aims to break down 'macho' stereotypes.

Author: Victoria GloverPublished 9th Jan 2018

They may not look the type to talk about their feelings but Tameside bin men are supporting a new campaign to raise awareness of male domestic abuse.

The ‘He’s keeping a Secret’ campaign aims to highlight how one in six men experience domestic abuse butare three times less likely than women to tell anybody.

Together with Tameside Council, the bin men hope to reassure male victims that they are not alone and encourage them to seek help

Tameside Council Deputy Executive Leader Cllr John Taylor, who is responsible for community safety, said: “Men are renowned for bottling up their problems and feelings but we want to urge them not to keep domestic abuse a secret. Male victims may feel very alone but one in six men are victims, that’s at least one person within your sports team, office or group of mates at the pub.

“We want to highlight that getting help is the strong thing to do and hope the campaign will reach out to all men - whatever their jobs, interests or backgrounds - and encourage them to open up and get support and practical help.”

Posters are going up across the borough, including male toilets in pubs and gyms, to reach men with the message. The campaign will also target men online and on social media.