Salford Woman's Syrian Aid

Published 7th Sep 2015

A Salford woman has set up a group to provide aid to Syrian refugees in Europe. Shareen Denman started ‘Salford To Calais’ after seeing the pictures of three year old refugee Aylan Kurdi washed up on a Turkish beach after attempting to travel to Kos.

Shareen with the help of local storage businessman Aaron Bailey is planning on taking donations down to Calais in October and has been urging anyone who can to help out.

Since setting up a Facebook page and Twitter account, Shareen says she’s been amazed at the amount of people willing to donate items such as tents and clothing which can then be taken to refugees.

With a small team of assistants Shareen is asking people to get in touch via social media or her website to make donations that can either be collected or dropped off at various sites around Salford.

Aaron Bailey who runs Easy Access – self storage is also getting involved providing units for donations to be stored in.

Anyone wishing to get involved can find out more information by visiting the website- following them on twitter @SalfordtoCalais or visiting the just giving page-