Salford leisure centre bans sugary drinks

Thought to be first in UK to make the move

Sugary drinks ban
Published 3rd Mar 2017

A leisure provider has banned sugary drinks from vending machines and cafes in its centres.

Bosses of Salford Community Leisure say they have removed sugary items such as cola, lemonade and sports drinks for a month to encourage parents to control their children's sugar intake.

Low-calorie versions of the drinks will remain, as well as water and a number of low-sugar juice based products.

Head of sport and leisure Mark Chew said: Our organisation is very committed to helping families in Salford lead healthier lifestyles.

Removing full sugar drinks from vending machines is a bold statement.

Young people do not need extra sugar in their diets, and these drinks don't aid performance when participating in sport.''

It is thought to be the the first leisure operator of its kind in the UK to make the move, which is being done as part of Public Health England's Change4Life campaign.

A spokesman for Salford Community Leisure said 22.1% of four and five-year-olds in Salford were overweight or obese, increasing to 36.6% of 10 and 11-year-olds.