Salford Council announces budget

Salford City Council's announced it's got to save £11.2 million this year.

Author: Rebecca BarrattPublished 9th Feb 2018

Salford City Council's announced it's got to save £11.2 million this year.

It says it's equivalent to £60,000 a day.

The budget cuts mean Salford's council tax is going up by 4.99 per cent.

City Mayor Paul Dennett said

“We are prioritising protecting frontline services, social care and support to those in most need.

“Decisions on savings proposals are becoming more difficult every year with no sign of this ending. Nationally, resources are being outstripped by steadily rising demand for child support and safeguarding as local authorities struggle with huge budget cuts.

“The council has reviewed all centrally held funds to support the budget and we have still needed to increase council tax to balance the books.

“It is appalling that the government, who throw rhetoric around about cutting taxes for ordinary working people, are expecting local authorities to increase council tax to pay for their cuts.

“2% of the proposed council tax increase is a precept that is ring fenced for adult social care, the option introduced by central government last year to stop social care nationally collapsing through lack of adequate proper funding. It effectively shifted a national problem to local councils and residents.

“The lack of a clear strategy from this government to deal with the crisis in health and social care and respond to pressures on children’s services is moving the burden unreasonably onto our residents.

“We’re starting a review of our Council Tax Reduction Scheme so that we can minimise the impact on people with the least means to contribute, but many residents will still see increased costs."