Rigby Troller Spared Jail

Published 27th Aug 2015

An 52 year-old internet troll who claimed the murder of Lee Rigby was a conspiracy designed to provoke anti-Islamic feelings has escaped an immediate jail term after refusing to accept he did anything wrong.

Grandfather Christopher Spivey, of Rochford, Essex, posted a series of comments on social media about Fusilier Rigby's killing - including claiming the soldier had never existed and that the story of his murder was a conspiracy.

He also made direct contact with members of the Rigby family.

Spivey denied harassment and sending grossly offensive messages over social media but was found guilty after a two-day trial at Chelmsford Magistrates' Court.

A sentencing hearing today heard that Spivey continues to protest his innocence and stands by the claims.

Sentencing him to six months in prison suspended for two years, District Judge John Woollard said: “I have been a district judge for 17 years and very rarely I come across conspiracy theorists like you.

“Experience tells me it's pointless telling you you are wrong because you

believe I am part of the conspiracy.

“You totally fail to accept that what you were doing had a profound and

shattering effect on the family.

“They had been thrust into the public eye and were bereaved in a terrible way and then they're contacted by somebody like you making the most ridiculous comments and claims.

“All because sitting in your bedroom in Rochford you come to the conclusion that MI5 and various other organisations are conspiring to mislead the public.

“You will be convinced until you die that you are right and everyone else is


The judge also made Spivey subject to a restraining order banning him from posting on blogs or social media and contacting Fusilier Rigby's family.

Fusilier Rigby, from Greater Manchester, was murdered as he returned to his barracks in Woolwich, south-east London, on May 22 2013.

He died of multiple cut and stab wounds.

Michael Adebolajo was given a whole-life term and Michael Adebowale was jailed for a minimum of 45 years at the Old Bailey for his murder last year.