Review launched of statues and monuments in bid to better understand Manchester’s history

Mancunians are being asked to have their say on who should be remembered in public spaces.

Author: Niall Griffiths Published 5th Feb 2021

Mancunians are being asked to have their say on who should be remembered in public spaces as part of a review of statues, monuments and memorials in the city.

Manchester council says it is not looking to ‘eradicate’ some of Manchester’s past but to instead understand its ‘history, heritage, and the context around it’.

Views will be sought on the appropriateness of existing pieces of art which will shape the council policy on what types of artworks will be commissioned and displayed in the future.

A review of every statue in Manchester was announced days after Black Lives Matter protestors marched through cities across the UK last year.

To take part in the online consultation CLICK HERE.

The protests were a response to the death of George Floyd in the US, which Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham described at the time as a ‘callous murder’.

It is within that context that the public consultation on how Manchester’s public spaces should reflect its history was launched this week.

Councillor Luthfur Rahman, executive member for culture at Manchester council, said: “Manchester prides itself on being a diverse and welcoming city – a city for all where everyone can achieve their potential and where everyone is valued and their success celebrated.

“It’s become clear however over the last year that the time is now right for a re-evaluation of how Manchester’s history and its people are reflected in our public spaces.

“This is not about eradicating our past or glossing over any uncomfortable truths but understanding our history and heritage, and the context around it. “

In the aftermath of the Black Lives Matter protests in Manchester, hundreds of people called for the removal of a statue to former prime minister Sir Robert Peel in Piccadilly Gardens.

Campaigners said Peel’s father, also a former MP called Robert Peel, was ‘actively pro-slavery’ but the calls were met by a counter-petition signed by more than 17,000 people wanting the statue to remain in place.

Coun Rahman said: “Whilst we’re not setting out to tear things down, at the same time it’s important we recognise the impact that choices past and present have on what’s displayed in the city, can and do have on people living, working, or visiting here.

“It’s important too that we make sure local residents see the best of themselves and their own communities’ achievements and stories reflected as they look around them – and for us all to learn from and to share their stories and successes.”

Sir Richard Leese, leader of Manchester council, has already given his backing for a statue of Len Johnson, a black boxer from Clayton who was denied championship bouts because of the colour of his skin.

In recent years Manchester has also moved to address the gender imbalance in public monuments by building a suffragette Emmeline Parnkhurst in the city centre.

Before the bronze sculpture was unveiled 16 out of the 17 statues in the city centre were of men, with the only other memorial of a woman being the statue of Queen Victoria in Piccadilly Gardens.

Coun Rahman added: “Hearing from people through this consultation about what’s important to them will help us ensure that in future the different histories and achievements that are woven into and reflected in the city’s streets, squares and parks, tell the full story of the city and of all the people who have helped make it and shape it.”

The public consultation, which will run until 22nd March, is being supported by Manchester Histories, a charity which helps communities to share and celebrate their diverse heritage.

A number of virtual workshops will be run on 10th March to help people explore their thinking on the subject and will include a panel of experts.