Report claims improved transport links could give Manchester huge boost

Transport bosses meet at Manchester Airport to outline need for changes

Published 2nd Feb 2017

Manchester could play a big part in Britain’s post-Brexit future if transport link improvements are given the go-ahead, according to a new report out today.

Leading figures from business and transport have been meeting at Manchester Airport to discuss plans to make the region a vital part of the global economy.

The report by the International Connectivity Commission says the North needs better access to the world’s business markets as well as improved links within major Northern cities if the region is going to fulfill its economic potential.

Under government plans, many rail and transport links in the North have been redeveloped and expanded as part of the Northern Powerhouse proposals.

Manchester Airport bosses say expanding the routes to the airport as well as increasing the number of destinations passengers can fly to will help boost the region.

It’s believed as many as 850,000 jobs in the North could be created if transport links are improved.