Pregnant woman and six-year-old girl threatened at knife point

Police investigate the armed robbery at the family home in Oldham.

Published 22nd Nov 2016

A heavily pregnant mother and her six-year-old daughter were threatened with a knife during a robbery in Oldham.

At around 7.15pm on Friday 18 November 2016, the 36-year-old woman and her four children were at home on Kew Road when they heard a knock at the door.

The mother was upstairs and was expecting her ex-partner at any time. One of the boys, aged 8, went and opened the door.

Two men then stormed into the house and dragged a 6-year-old girl upstairs, where he held a knife to her throat.

One of the men pointed the blade at the woman’s stomach whilst the second searched the home.

The robbers, who stole a brand new space grey coloured iPhone 5s, ran out of the house and across the road down an alleyway.

The first man is described as white, over 6ft tall, of heavy build, wearing a black wool balaclava, dark baseball cap, with the hood of his jacket up. He wore a black quilted jacket with no sleeves and a dark top, full length black wool gloves, dark blue jeans, and he spoke with a local accent. The second man is described as white, 5ft 5in tall, about 25-years-old, light eyes, oval shaped face, short patchy ginger beard, of medium build, and he spoke with a local accent. He was wearing a black wool hat pulled down to just above his eyebrows, the hood from his red jumper over the hat, black sleeveless quilted coat, black gloves and brown chinos. Detectives investigating have released CCTV footage of two men approaching the house in a bid to identify them.

Detective Inspector Kenny Blain, from Oldham’s CID, said: “This was an atrocious attack on an innocent family in their own home. “The mum is due to give birth any day and the stress this would have caused her could have potentially threatened the life of her unborn child. “How anyone could hold a knife to the throat of a six-year-old is beyond comprehension. “These men need to be found and we will do everything in our power to catch them. “They are more than likely trying to get rid of the iPhone and it is likely they have tried to sell it to someone. “If you have been approached by anyone selling a similar phone to the one stolen or have any information about this robbery, then please call police. “Anyone who recognises the men in the CCTV or thinks they may have seen them that evening, I would urge you also get in touch.” Information can be given police by calling 101 quoting incident number 1871 18/11/16. Alternatively, people can pass on information anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.