Police urge people to stay away from fires after man collapses at Winter Hill

'Johnny' ignored fire crews warnings to stay away and suffered smoke inhalation

Published 2nd Jul 2018

Police and fire crews are renewing their calls for people to stay far away from the Winter Hill fire site.

They have taken to social media to vent frustrations, after a man - 'Johnny' - ignored officers advice and walked past police tape onto Pike Tower, where firefighters were tackling the blaze.

'Johnny' collapsed as a result of smoke inhalation and had to be cared for by fire officers.

Posting on the Chorley Police site, officers said:

"This is Johnny (not his real name)

Johnny ignored our advice and decided to go passed our scene tape and wander to the Pike Tower where firefighters were holding the fire.

Johnny collapsed from smoke inhalation.

Luckily for Johnny, Police and Mountain Rescue were on hand to rescue him.

This could have ended very differently for Johnny as emergency services cannot be everywhere up there!

Don’t be a Johnny! Please follow our advice and STAY AWAY from the area! We’re saying it for a reason."