Police hunt armed robbers that stormed a Fallowfield club

Published 1st Feb 2016

Police are hunting for armed robbers that stormed into a club in Fallowfield.

At around 20 past midnight this morning, four men wearing hooded jackets and ski masks carrying a baseball bat and a claw hammer burst into the foyer of St Kentigerns Club on Wilbraham Road.

They made threats against a member of staff and demanded the keys to the safe to which the man refused.

They then hit him with the baseball bat and hammer causing him to fall to the floor where they kicked him. No access was gained to the safe however they stole a woman's wages from her handbag before leaving.

They made off in the direction of Eden Court which leads onto Hart Road in Fallowfield.

Police are appealing for information and witnesses.

Detective Constable Lucy Barnes said:

"Thankfully the man was not more seriously hurt by these men who used violence in an attempt to get what they wanted. We would ask if anyone has any information about who was involved or if anyone saw a group of men in the area around the time of the offence that they in contact."

Anyone with information should call police on 0161 856 6151, or the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.