Police cheer up youngster following tragedy

Youngster invited to meet police dogs and horses following collision.

Published 24th Dec 2015

A kind-hearted police officer has helped to bring a smile to the face of a girl who has been through a traumatic year.

16-year-old Millie Patten was sat in the passenger seat of her grandma Lynne Cash’s car when it was involved in devastating collision earlier this year. She came out of it with minor injuries, but sadly her grandma passed away later in hospital.

Family liaison officer Sandy Turnbull has been working with Millie and her family since the accident to offer them support at such a difficult time. It has been particularly tough for Millie who had to give evidence as the only witness who was in the car.

Over the months, Sandy got to know the family and learned about Millie’s passion for animals. Immediately she got in touch with GMP’s mounted and dog unit to see if they could arrange a special visit for her to spend some time with the animals that help keep Greater Manchester safe. They were happy to oblige and last week Millie spent a day learning about the horses and dogs the work for GMP.

Millie said: “When I found out about the day with the mounted and dog units I was dead excited! My mum had known about it for a while but had kept it a secret until last month when it was all confirmed. Sandy has been really helpful and supportive this year and I’d like to say a big thank you to her.”

Officer Sandy Turnbull said: “Millie is such a polite, lovely girl who has been through a lot this year. Not only has she had to live through a terrible accident and the loss of her grandma, she has also had to be strong for her three younger siblings. Seeing Millie smile today was very rewarding and I'd like to say thank you to all the officers and staff who helped to make this day possible for her.”